5 Digital Marketing Skills to Master

Five digital marketing skills to master for the future
by Charles Warnock | May 2, 2017 | Digital Marketing |
We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works. — Douglas Adams
Like the future, digital transformation is already here. It’s just unevenly distributed.
The impact of digital technology in all its forms is already having a profound impact on business, government, science, the arts, communications – OK, nearly all aspects of human endeavor.
It can be hard to grasp the speed and magnitude of the changes. In a few years, the buzz has gone from “digital is the future” to “Go digital or go out of business.”
In the wide world of global digital transformation, I can’t help focusing on the sales and marketing revolution going on in my own backyard. As digital technology transforms entire industries and organizations, what happens to sales and marketing?
Transformation. Only faster.
In many organizations, sales and marketing have been among the first enterprise functions to experience digital transformation.
A great illustration of this growth can be seen in the expanding universe of marketing tech solutions. In his Chief Marketing Technologist Blog, Scott Brinker notes that the number of tech marketing solutions has jumped from approximately 150 solutions in 2011 to about 3,500 in the 2016 Marketing Technology Landscape graphic.

Wanted: Forward thinking humans
But technology alone is never enough to deliver transformational results. That still requires forward-thinking humans who understand innovation and its opportunities and challenges. But who are these humans? How will they manage all this change?
Marketing / Analytics sage Avinash Kaushik offers what he calls the 10 / 90 rule for Web Analytics, which can be easily hijacked for digital marketing. Ergo:

Here some roles these transformative human resources might play in the digital marketing future:
Stack Master
Cloud-based everything offers some great solutions, but presents a great problem.
With so many different applications and services springing up to support multichannel, multidevice customer journeys, the digital marketing Stack Master will ensure stacks are complementary, comprehensive and aligned with organizational goals.
Currently, marketing apps are frequently chosen by different individuals as point solutions and not chosen for the long-term success of the organization.
How many SaaS tools has your company signed up for? Demand gen, CRM, Sales enablement, analytics, customer success — the stack up quickly. Which apps are performing, or not performing? What’s the total cost? The ROI? These are Stack Master questions.

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